One of the best exercises we can do when we feel stuck is to write our own eulogy. It might sound morbid, but writing your own eulogy helps you get perspective and see the arc of our lives from a different angle.
What happened after I pushed through my fear will surprise you
I put aside self-doubt to publish a 4,000-word article, continuing my daily publishing streak. And then this happened. Not exactly what I was expecting.
4 Stages to Mastery
Learning the stages of mastery from the Four Sons and their questions.
How to Think Like a Chef
The most important things we want to know cannot be found in a Google search. In this era, cookbooks seem hopelessly outdated and inefficient. You can’t search for recipes with the same ease that you can search the web. You can’t link to your shopping list. Even Amazon’s Alexa can’t tell you where the recipe […]
Make Your Own Rules
Are you a rebel at heart who yearns to break free of the status quo and cultural expectations, but still find yourself struggling to extract from pressure to do things the “right” way? Here is the permission you seek to make your own rules.
Embracing the Journey
The weather forecast for today was for cloudy and rain, and as I walked to the gym it was drizzling. I allowed myself to indulge in a long Sunday workout and juicy stretch, and planned to use the day to catch up on writing and work. By the time I left the gym it was […]