Three principles for sharing your light with the world without burning out.
How to Find Your Inner Light
Even when you are living in darkness your light is hidden within. You must stand for your truth to access it.
Enlightenment is Not Instantaneous
In an age of instant delivery we want our enlightenment and transformation to be instantaneous. That’s not how it works.
How to Enlighten the World
In dark times, we can feel a desire to enlighten the world. But before we turn on all the lights, we must take care to light our own inner light.
Creating Connection Through Separation
We are conditioned to believe that we must fit in to belong. What if it’s the opposite: that we find true belonging when we are willing to be visible in our differences?
The Lights that Illuminate the World
The world may seem like it’s full of darkness, but one choir is doing its part to be the lights that illuminate the world.