Pay attention to the people who are in front of you in the moment. Not the people through the screen, but the people who are actually there, in the flesh, in the room with you. Those are the people who matter most. Nothing in any moment is more important than the people next to you. […]
Defining Moments
Even in an era where we have electronic calendars and alerts to remind us of other important occasions, there are still some events and moments for which we don’t need reminders. We don’t need a notification for these dates because the events are so significant in our lives. They are our defining moments.
Why Are We Afraid Of Unhappiness?
Why Are We Obsessed with the Pursuit of Happiness? Look around in any book store, at any newsstand or on any lifestyle-oriented website. Have you noticed how many titles and articles are devoted to the topic of happiness. It seems that everyone is eager to share the latest research on what makes us happy and […]