It’s not what we do once in a while that changes our lives. It’s what we do consistently. — Tony Robbins
In 2013, I decided to prioritize my health and wellness.
I wanted to be in good physical shape to keep up with my young nieces and nephews. Maintaining an active lifestyle is important to me.
And I knew that when I exercise in the morning it plugs in my brain, which helps me work more effectively.
I asked myself a simple question:
What is one thing, that if I did it consistently for the long term, would help me achieve this outcome?
The answer was clear: commit to a daily practice of physical movement and exercise.
I went into this realistically: I knew that daily exercise itself wasn’t going to prevent me from ever getting sick, and it might never make me a top-flight athlete. But I also knew that nobody ever got in shape — or stayed in shape for the long term— by going to the gym once, or even once in a while.
For me, “consistently” means daily. It’s just easier that way.
Since then, that question has been the cornerstone of my planning process as I consider how to achieve my goals.
For every goal I ask myself:
What is one action, that if I commit to doing it daily, can get me to this outcome I desire?
My goal of building a body of work and serving through my writing finds it foundation in my daily writing ritual. My goal of cultivating inner resilience and calm is rooted in my daily meditation practice. My goal of celebrating where I am now and finding meaning is anchored in my daily journaling practice.
This question also plays a prominent role when I consider my values.
Having a list of values means nothing if you’re not living into them.
If you value health, what’s one thing you can do daily to embody that value?
If you value relationships, what’s one thing you can do daily to build and cultivate relationships?
If you want to be a great parent, what is one thing you can do daily that helps your kids feel supported and loved?
Play the Long Game
The actions we do daily don’t always feels good in the process.
Sometimes my workouts feel ineffective. Sometimes my writing falls short. My meditation practice may leave me feeling more anxious and agitated. Listing my daily gratitude doesn’t always make me feel better about my life.
But life is about the long game, and anything we want to cultivate in life takes time and patience. In the big picture, these daily activities become the rituals — actions done with intention and purpose — that support a life of meaning.
There’s also no guarantee that it will work.
My daily blog is a big body of work and a testament to my commitment to self-expression, but it hasn’t (yet) earned me a massive following, book deals, or other traditional markers of success.
That said, the process of committing to publish daily has given me purpose, it helps me find my voice, and I hope it creates value for you.
Getting the next level of results may require that I actually promote my work.
A Case in Point
“Promoting my work” is a broad generalization. It’s a perfect example of where we often get stuck in taking action.
It’s too ambiguous to implement at all, much less consistently.
What does “promote” mean? What does it look like? And why do I even want to “promote my work?” What’s the outcome I really desire?
There may be many outcomes, each with its own daily action that can lead me there.
This is where my question comes in:
What is one activity, that if I committed to do it daily, can help me achieve the desired outcome?
Sun and Mercury Trine Saturn Supports Long-Term Planning
As the sun and Mercury form supportive trines to Saturn this week, it offers the support we need to look to where we want to go and plan the daily actions we can take that can help us get there.
The sun represents our vitality, our ego, and our desires. Mercury, most often known as the messenger, is also the planet of planning and details. Saturn is often known as the planet of restriction, but it is also the planet of structure and boundaries. Most of all, Saturn is the planet that teaches us the value of patience and persistence over time.
A trine is a supportive aspect in which the energies flow together. Mercury is approaching a conjunction with the sun, which brings us clarity about what we want.
As the Sun and Mercury each form a trine to Saturn, these alignments help us find clarity for our desired outcome and turn it into a plan.
Even better than a plan, they can help us identify and implement the sustainable daily practice that will help us achieve our desires. At the very least, those daily rituals will shape who we become.
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