In a recent CrossFit class, the workout of the day was one of those simple but complicated affairs.
It was called “Elevator:” 3 rounds, with a rep scheme of 21 – 15 – 9 of 3 different movements:
- power cleans
- burpees over the bar
- toes to bar (T2B) or knees to chest (K2C)
The coach said we should break up the power cleans and T2B/K2C in the first two rounds.
This strategy might be counter-intuitive for a sprint workout, especially people who tend to jump out of the gate and try to go unbroken. The coach emphasized that sometimes we must go slower to go faster.
When you rush too hot out of the gate, you can get gassed and then struggle to continue. Even in a sprint workout, it’s important to pace yourself
This is a concept that applies well beyond the confines of a CrossFit WOD.
Slow Down to Speed Up
Often, coaching clients come to me eager to take action to grow their business. They resist the early work of establishing values and vision.
The problem is that if you aren’t clear on your vision for what you want and the values driving you, you won’t have a map for where you’re going. Then you’ll get hampered by decisions at every corner.
Sometimes you have to slow down to go fast.
That’s the message of today’s full moon in Gemini.
Full Moon in Gemini: Move Slowly to Move Fast
The full moon peaks at 4:16 am ET, when the moon at 4º51’ of Gemini will come into opposition with the Sun at 4º51’ of Sagittarius.
This full moon draws attention to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, which is about the mind. Gemini, an air sign, is focused on data and details, while Sagittarius, a fire sign, is focused on the big picture.
The tension here is also influenced by two other planetary aspects of tension: Mars square Saturn and Mercury square Neptune.
Mars/Saturn Square
The energy of Saturday’s Mars/Saturn square is carried into this full moon, with Mars sitting opposite the moon and Saturn in a wide square to to the moon. This brings the energy of encountering obstacles as we set out to explore.
Typically, a full moon in Gemini would be a great counter to the energy of the Mars/Saturn square. A typical full moon in Gemini has the energy of parsing out the options and talking it through. It usually is helpful for solving problems and move quickly to action.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and therefore ruling this full moon, likes to sort and separate data and explore all the nuanced details of situations. It likes to solve problems, and examine and talk about all sides of a situation.
However, this typical Mercurial process gets disrupted here, as Mercury — also in Sagittarius (24º51’) — is in a square to Neptune in Pisces.
The Influence of Mercury/Neptune Square
Imagine a situation where you’re trying to discern what someone is saying but their words are muffled. Or a breeze that blows through your office, sweeping all your papers off your desk and onto the floor. Or spilling coffee on your map or handwritten directions for where you need to go.
This is the energy of Mercury square Neptune.
Mercury square Neptune brings haziness to communication. There might be an element of lack of clarity in communication or outright deception in communication.
On The Astrology Podcast, astrologer Austin Coppock explained that
It’s like we want to go fast, but we don’t know exactly where we’re going or have directions on how to get there.
Mercury in a square to Neptune makes it very hard for Mercury to do its job of making sense of things, seeing things clearly, and communicating information and data clearly.
Mars is the planet of aggression and anger, and it’s sitting across from the Moon here, creating more opposition. With Mars and Saturn still in a wide square, and heightened emotions at a full moon, the Mercury/Neptune square can lead to misunderstandings or miscommunication that result in arguments or anger based on that misunderstanding.
The Danger of Moving Too Fast
Imagine that you’re trying to get somewhere quickly because you’re running late. But you don’t know exactly where you’re going, you don’t have directions, and then you hit a pothole as you’re speeding.
Going fast doesn’t help you if you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there.
In fact, moving fast can actually take you to the wrong place. Sometimes slow and steady is the best way to win the race.
5 Tips for Navigating the Full Moon in Gemini
Here are 5 tips for navigating this hazy full moon in Gemini.
(1) Aim for clarity in communication
As a communicator, break things down into simple concepts. Convey one step at a time. Make sure your audience is keeping up with you.
If you’re on the receiving end of a message, keep in mind that even if you think you understand what’s being communicated, you may not actually understand what’s being communicated.
Double and triple check to verify your understanding.
(2) Beware of disinformation or omissions that mislead
Gemini is a sign where we recognize there aren’t just two sides to every story. There are multiple sides.
Mercury likes to see the situation from multiple perspectives. In a square to Neptune, the lines and angles get blurred.
Mercury square Neptune can bring an increase in disinformation, intentional deception, deception by omission, or diversion of attention away from what might be omitted.
Disinformation or “lies by omission” are rampant online, but this doesn’t only apply to the news. Mercury also rules commerce.
Before you react to information — whether it’s in the news or on a sales page that is persuading you to invest money — take a step back and consider what information is being omitted.
To paraphrase my teacher Nevine Michaan:
What you see may be true, but what you don’t see can also be true.
(3) Go slower than you think you want to go, or then you’re inclined to go.
Neptune brings a fog to every situation. In a fog, we cannot move fast.
Read the fine print. Double check your information. Measure twice before you cut. Verify your numbers.
Remind yourself that moving slowly now can lead to moving faster later on.
As the Marine motto goes: Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.
(4) Try to reserve judgment until you’re out of the situation
Imagine if you lived in a house where people smoked all the time. You wouldn’t realize you’re living in the fumes of smoke until you left your house. When you returned, the smoke would be obvious.
This is the situation with Neptune. Neptune is often described as a nebulous cloud or an intoxicant.
We don’t even know we’re in it until we’re out of it.
If you feel the flames of anger rising in response to some information you’ve read, pause to breathe and take a step back.
Wait until the air is clear and the fog has lifted to make sense of it.
(5) Hold off on any major decisions or actions around this time
This isn’t an invitation to procrastinate. Rather, it’s an invitation to press pause and wait until the smoke has cleared before moving forward.
Remember that even if you hold off for a few days, the right opportunities for you will always be there. And keep in mind that even if it means missing a big sale, there will always be another sale.
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