what’s your role to play
claim ownership of your part
let go of the rest
respect your limits
cede control of what’s not yours
to let others shine
Sometimes it’s just this simple:
What’s my part? What’s not my part?
In life, each of us has a role to play. Maybe more than one role, but our parts are defined. When we define things we give them limits. Boundaries.
What is your area of sovereignty, the realm of your mastery that nobody else can touch?
We may not know, or we may know but we let other things get in the way.
When we try to do all the things, we obscure the area of our mastery. In taking on too much we prevent ourselves from giving our all to the thing we do best. We don’t shine, and we don’t allow others to shine in what they do best.
In the same way that we would lament a dictator trying to claim sovereignty over land that isn’t his, we must restrain ourselves from taking responsibility for things that aren’t part of our domain.
This takes humility and courage.
Humility to recognize the limits of our domain of mastery. Courage to claim what’s ours and cede the rest.
In the context of the journey through the tree of life that we’ve been exploring, and the sphere of Malchut, this is the interplat bewtween Chesed of Malchut and Gevurah of Malchut.
Chesed of Malchut is about identifying the areas of our sovereignty: where do we have mastery, what is our “thing” that we do better than anyone else?
Gevurah of Malchut is about exercising restraint: holding ourselves back from taking responsibility over things that are not ours to handle.
When we can cede control of what’s not ours to do, we recgonize others’ areas of Malchut and give them the space to shine.
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