Every project needs an end.
Endings always feel more abrupt than beginnings.
Nothing lasts forever.
This is the nature of what I’m dealing with as I contemplate what to write.
For over a year, I have summarized each of my daily blog posts in a haiku.
3 lines 17 syllables total 5/7/5 syllable format
It was a challenge. At first I found it to be a helpful focusing tool. If you can distill your message to 17 syllables then you know what you want to say.
And, sometimes it got in the way. I’ve refrained from publishing pieces where I had no haiku.
It’s time to end the haiku project. That doesn’t mean to stop writing haiku completely. I like the art form.
What it means is that haiku can no longer lead the way. It’s time to end the daily practice of publishing them with my daily blog post.
I’ll confess: It’s not easy for me to end things. I love my streaks. I feel a little like I’m cheating.
Doing less in a world that constantly tells us to do more is a real challenge.
It’s good to practice being in this state, to feel the discomfort of not doing something. Sometimes that’s what leaving the comfort zone is all about.
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