Looking like a fool is something we fear when trying something new, but being a fool can be our biggest helper.
Beltane: Reclaim Your Virginity and Realign With What Matters
If you need a dose of joy and cheer to end your week, you’re in luck. The Pagan holiday of Beltane is a “springtime festival of optimisim.”
Spring Equinox Reboot Guide
The time around the spring equinox is a perfect time for a quarterly review of your business, life, and routines. Here are 5 rituals to help you reboot for the new season.
The Energy of Spring
If you’ve been feeling behind your year, good news: the year starts now!
Snow on Dead Leaves Weighs Down Branches
If you want to create something new, you must create space by releasing what doesn’t serve you. Where are you clinging to dead weight?
3 Things You Should Know About the Spring Equinox
Spring is a season of action and implementation. But the first action to take is no action.