Venus is the archetype of the Lover. It’s the planet of love, relationships, money, what we value, and our creative expression and self worth.
The symbol for Venus is a circle on top of a cross. I recently heard that it’s rumored this symbol was meant to evoke a mirror.
It makes sense for the planet associated with relationships. Relationships act like a mirror: whatever we experience in relationships with others reflects something that is happening in our relationship within ourselves.
What we see in others is a reflection of a part of ourselves. If you see something in another that you don’t like, it’s because you haven’t accepted that part of yourself.
And if you see something in another that you envy, it’s because you haven’t accepted that part of yourself.
Venus in Leo: Claim the Spotlight
On July 11, Venus moves from the sign of Cancer to Leo, where it will be until August 4. This is a short trip for Venus compared to last year, when it stationed retrograde in Leo.
In Cancer, Venus encouraged us to nurture our relationships with care and compassion.
In Leo, Venus holds up the mirror to ourselves. Bringing focus to our need for creative expression, play, and visibility.
Leo is a sign of bravery, courage, and boldness. This sign corresponds to the peak of summer in the northeast, when the sun is strongest.
It’s the Sun’s home sign, and the nature of the Sun is to shine.
Venus in Leo wants to take center stage, to shine in the spotlight, to claim its place in the world. In this sign associated with actors and performers, Venus the diva seeking attention and recognition for her performance.
What Keeps You in the Shadow?
Although some people crave being centerstage, others run from it.
Under some circumstances, the bright light of the spotlight can create a glare. The warmth of the sun can trigger heatstroke.
Another word for visibility is exposure, and that reflects the potential fear that can keep us from claiming our moment in the spotlight.
Sometimes visibility can feel exposing: like having the curtain pulled back while we are still in hair and makeup, before our mask is fully in place and we feel ready to present ourselves to the world.
This might be literal or metaphorical.
Look at your life and assess: where are you avoiding the bright lights?
What is keeping you hiding in the shadow of the wings off stage?
Maybe you don’t like to go out or get on camera without your hair and makeup done.
Or, maybe you’re hesitant to launch your business or promote your work because you don’t like how your website looks, your forms are messy, or your systems aren’t fully integrated.
Venus in Leo prompts us to question what we fear from this “exposure.”
Are you holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of external beauty, “completeness”, or “having it all figured out”?
What’s the real risk of being seen before you feel ready or have all the answers?
Venus in Leo: Share Your Authentic Self
Venus in Leo reminds us that our authentic expression is worthy of the spotlight without any bells, whistles or even a coating of mascara.
In Leo, Venus invites us to embrace and share our authentic self with the world, to let ourselves be seen as we are.
To be sure, this requires courage and bravery, which Venus in Leo offers us if we are willing to take the first steps.
Venus’ transit through Leo invites us to share our creative output and our creative process. Maybe that means pulling back the curtain to show all the things you typically do behind the scenes before you feel like you’re “ready” for your closeup.
A New Mirror
The truth is, nobody is perfect and nobody has all their shit together.
No website is ever done. No system is ever fully refined.
We are all works in progress. The beauty is in the messiness.
By peeling back the curtain on our process, we can normalize the messiness for others.
When we summon the courage to share our authentic self and our messy process, we open the potential for others to respond with their authentic reactions.
Perhaps in the way people respond to your authentic self expression you’ll come to see yourself in a new light.
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