When I first started CrossFit, I didn’t know what terms like AMRAP, EMOM, and WOD meant. I could read the whiteboard and see the exercises posted, but I didn’t understand the flow of the workout.
18 months later, I have greater fluency in the language of CrossFit. The words, numbers, and symbols on the white board make sense to me.
When I listen to other people talk about CrossFit or weightlifting, I can follow the conversation, and even participate.
With that fluency comes a next-level skill: I can explain concepts from other disciplines using CrossFit metaphors.
This means that when I’m with a CrossFitter and want to include them in a conversation about something else, I can use the language of CrossFit to translate the languages of other realms of knowledge.
I have used the language of CrossFit to explain concepts related to productivity, yoga, and astrology, among others.
When I’m with other groups, I use language that resonates with the interests of those groups.
When I teach yoga, I use metaphors from a range of areas to bring concepts to life for my students.
With a client who likes to surf, I’ve used surfing metaphors to explain pricing strategy.
With a client who loves football, I’ve used football metaphors to teach the same topics.
Sometimes people question my diverse range of hobbies and interests, but my fluency in a lot of realms is one of my best assets. It enables me to connect with a wide range of people on their terms, to engage in conversations on topics that interest them, and to teach them new ideas in language that will resonate with them.
The Key to Fostering Greater Inclusion and Belonging
Companies are striving to foster more inclusion and belonging in their workplaces. Most are trying to do this through workshops and other initiatives. They are overthinking it and missing the mark.
The path to greater inclusivity is simple: it happens through communication.
The word communicate stems from the Latin root that means to make common.
We communicate through language.
When you learn the language of your clients or audience, and speak to them in their language, you create the foundation for deeper connection that fosters belonging.
This might mean learning and speaking to them in their actual language, if English isn’t their first language.
More broadly, it entails learning about their interests and hobbies so that you can speak to them in the language of that interest.
The more languages you learn to speak, the more people you can communicate with effectively.
The more languages you speak, the more effective you become as a communicator, teacher, and leader.
You’ll foster greater feelings of belonging in your groups.
And as a bonus: you may find your own life is enhanced by the quality of your connections and relationships.
[…] Moon flanked by Venus and Jupiter, the two benefic planets. In fact, at the New Moon, the Moon and Sun are both in conjunction with Venus (which is at 16º47’ of […]