I’ve worked in a sales capacity for over 15 years. One of the most valuable principles I’ve learned about sales is this simple tip:
A confused mind says no.
When a buyer is confused about your offering, they won’t buy. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling widgets, a home, a course, a hotel room, a coaching package, or anything else.
Any confusion about any part of the transaction — how much they’re paying, what’s included, the time frame, terms — shuts down the brain and prevents a decision to move forward.
In sales, clarity is power.
The same principle applies to your to-do list.
Your To-Do List is a Sales Situation
As I like to say, everything in life is sales. In a conversation you’re selling an idea. When you want your kids to eat their vegetables or clean their room, you have to sell them on the concept.
In the same way, your to-do list is also a sales conversation, albeit one between different parts of yourself.
Current You who writes up your to-do list is the seller.
Future You who will implement the to-do list is the buyer.
When you find yourself procrastinating on a task, it means you haven’t “bought” what is being offered. In most cases, your brain shuts down your ability to act out of confusion.
Just like in sales, when it comes to productivity, clarity is power.
Improve Your Sales Skills to End Procrastination
The simple way to stop procrastinating is to improve your sales skills. When Current You sits down to write up a to-do list, make it clear.
Be specific about all the elements:
- What needs to be done
- Where do you need to do it
- When will you do it
- How will you do it
- What are the parameters, or terms
- How long will you spend on it
- What tools will you use
The more specific you can be, the easier it will be for your Future Self to “buy” the task and get it done.
Remember: a confused mind says no.
Whether you’re selling something to yourself or to others, clarity is power.
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