This Gemini season is marked by many new beginnings, the latest of which is the new moon, which perfects on June 6 (8:37 am ET at 16º17’).
On the surface, it looks like one of the best new moons of the year.
In many ways, the planetary alignment at the new moon in Gemini looks a lot like the set-up of the New Moon in Taurus, with almost the exact same line-up of planets.
Like the New Moon in Taurus, the Gemini New Moon features the Sun and Moon flanked by Venus and Jupiter, the two benefic planets. In fact, at the New Moon, the Moon and Sun are both in conjunction with Venus (which is at 16º47’ of Gemini).
In addition, both the Taurus and Gemini new moons have the ruler of the new moon in the sign. Last month it was Venus, which rules Taurus. This month it is Mercury, which rules Gemini.
In fact, some might say that this planetary line up is better than last month’s, because Uranus, still in Taurus, is not in this picture. That means we don’t have to look out for sudden, unexpected surprises.
And, like last month’s New Moon in Taurus, today’s New Moon in Gemini also gives us an aspect to Saturn in Pisces.
Therein lies the biggest game-changer — aside from a different sign and a different energy.
Change an Angle, Change the Meaning
In astrology, as in life, angles are everything. A different angle gives you a different perspective. It creates a different focus, and a different meaning.
The Taurus New Moon was in a sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Sextiles offer us the opportunity for support, if we take advantage of them.
The Gemini New Moon is applying to a square with Saturn in Pisces. Squares are occur between planets in signs of the same modality — Gemini and Pisces are both mutable signs.
Squares are aspects of friction. The planets are like cars at a four-way stop sign, where everyone stalls because nobody quite knows who has the right of way to go first.
The square to Saturn will be a signature of Jupiter’s transit through Gemini, and will impact all planets as they transit through Gemini for the next year.
Gemini vs Pisces: Air vs Water
Gemini is an air sign characterized by curiosity and the energy of spring into summer. Planets in Gemini tend to be light and carefree. This is the sign of the social butterfly and exploring curiosity.
Pisces is a water sign. Water is, by its nature, dense and heavy. Saturn in Pisces can feel like swimming with a heavy weight tied to you.
Saturn is the planet of restrictions, limits, and boundaries. It says no. It slows things down. It often feels like the killjoy at the party, but it’s exactly the energy we need to balance the Gemini energy of this new moon.
New Moon in Gemini: Abundant Curiosity and Ideas
Gemini is a sign of abundant curiosity, ideas, and conversations. This is a sign where we want to learn all the things, and go in a million different directions.
This is the sign of the twins; the different parts of us often want to go in different directions. We want to explore all the options, to bask in the bright light of the possibility and potential of our brilliance — often at the expense of actually implementing any idea and seeing it through.
Jupiter in Gemini, and the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction leading into this new moon magnified this tendency.
As I wrote previously, this is, in general, a great thing.
Yes to expansion and learning. Yes to lots of ideas. Yes to conversations and insights.
Developing fluency in multiple “languages” — actual or metaphorical — can help us create deeper connections, solve problems more creatively, lead to innovation, and foster inclusion and belonging. Metaphor bridges gaps in knowledge and understanding.
And, also: more isn’t always better.
Too much can be too much.
In the body, Gemini corresponds to the brain and nervous system.
We only have so many resources — both material resources and nervous system bandwidth — to allocate to our ideas.
The Downside of Gemini: Analysis Paralysis
The onslaught of ideas is the hallmark of a creative entrepreneur. But without a grounding force of a structure to contain the flow, the ideas and conversations can lead to spinning minds, overwhelm, and decision paralysis.
The energy of Gemini season can cause us to feel like we’re standing in the middle of a traffic circle, not quite knowing which path to take.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, represents the part of us that can be a brilliant communicator and sales person, and also spinning and shifting from one idea to the next without ever quite completing something. It’s the source of the word “mercurial.”
The Gemini vibe of “everything everywhere all at once,” can keep us from actually getting things done.
Multi-tasking is a myth. The reality is that we can only be in one place at a time.
Saturn Offers a Supportive Structure to Manifest Your Ideas
The New Moon in Gemini can bring us an abundance of ideas, a flow of words and insights, and conversations galore.
But ideas are worthless unless implemented. Words not shared with the world are wasted.
If we’re going to do anything with our brilliant ideas beyond bathing in the possibility of their potential, we need limits.
To ground the quick mindedness and abundant curiosity of Gemini energy, we need a supportive structure that slows us down and focuses our energy.
We need to discern which idea is right for this time.
We need to carve a clear path forward.
We need a structure that helps us focus so we can implement one idea and see it to fruition.
This is what Saturn brings. Saturn requires us to exercise discernment and discipline. It’s the planet of responsibility and duty. It may not be the energy we want, but it’s what we need.
Saturn will force us to hone in one one idea at a time and see it through.
Gemini may be the sign of the twins, but as my mentor Sonia Simone points out, even twins are born one at a time.
New Moon in Gemini: Get Curious and Discerning
At this New Moon in Gemini, bask in the light of your brilliant ideas. Bathe in the possibility and potential they offer.
Write them all down so you don’t forget them.
Then get discerning.
Pick one and harness the discipline to see it through.
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