On a lifting day at the gym, I like to take my time to warm up. I do some mobility, activate my body with some light cardio, and do some specific activation drills before I feel ready to lift a barbell. I kind of side step my way into it.
And my emotional state often influences how heavy I can lift. Some of my heaviest lifts have been fueled by anger.
My weightlifting coach reminds me often that when lifting weight there’s no room for emotion or “how you feel.” You just need to get under the bar and start lifting.
I agree with him to an extent: I show up at the gym no matter how I feel, because consistency is important.
This difference in approaches are archetypal of the polarity of Cancer and Capricorn, which is pulled into focus by the full moon that peaks on June 21 at 9:07 pm ET.
At a full moon, the Sun and Moon sit directly opposite each other. The sun’s light illuminates the moon, helping us see what isn’t always visible to us.
That opposition also creates a tension.
This full moon happens with the moon at 1º Capricorn and the Sun at 1º Cancer. (In July, we’ll see another full moon in Capricorn, this time with the moon at 29º Capricorn.)
The Cancer/Capricorn Tension
Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Water is the element of emotions, and Cancer season brings us into our deep emotions. Ruled by the moon, Cancer is a sign of sensitivity, nurturing, and care.
Like the moon, it can fluctuate: Cancer can be moody and emotional, and it can sometimes manipulate emotions. Symbolized by the Crab, the Cancer is a sign where we might side step our way into conversations. Like the shell of the Crab, Cancer defends that which is essential and exposed.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. Symbolized by the persistent sea-goat and ruled by Saturn, the disciplinarian planet, Capricorn is known for responsibility. It buckles down and gets things done without regard to emotion.
The Saturnian nature of Capricorn can cause it to separate itself from others as it focuses on its tasks and what must get done.
The full moon invites us to consider how we can mediate this polarity.
Mediating the Polarity: Show Up No Matter What and Use Emotion to Drive You
On one hand, when we are in pursuit of a goal, we must show up daily and do the work. There’s no room for whether we “feel like it.”
Consistency in showing up is necessary to achieve something big, and this full moon — coming on the heels of the summer solstice — is pointing us to a culmination in some project.
On the other hand, we can’t leave emotion out of it entirely. What is the use of achieving a goal if we’ve alienated our friends on our path to get there? And sometimes we can use emotion — whether excitement, joy, or — yes, even anger — to fuel our drive to show up daily.
A Culmination and Release
Full moons also represent a culmination — the moon is at peak brightness. It’s the same energy as yesterday’s summer solstice, which is the day of peak light in the northern hemisphere.
Something we have been building or working toward since December’s solstice and the new moon in Capricorn is coming to a culmination. It is ripening. We are in the energy of summer.
And yet there is also a tension present. With every peak comes a descent. With every light comes a shadow. The light will start to fade. We must release something.
Uncertainty Ahead
At this full moon, the Moon and Sun are both in a square to Neptune, the planet of illusion. Neptune is sitting in the final minutes of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. It’s a position of liminality, closure, and confusion. This is the end of a cycle. We don’t know what is coming next.
Even in the fullness of the bright moon and the longest day, there are things in the mystery. We don’t yet know what direction to take.
How to Navigate the Difficult Path
All the more reason not to separate ourselves from our people. This is a time to lean into the light of friendships and relationships, to be vulnerable with our emotions and transparent about what is arising.
Ultimately, the Sun is the light leader, and we follow it’s path.
In Cancer, the Sun tells us that the best way to navigate change and persevere through the hard path towards our big goals is by nurturing relationships, being generous, and holding space for the emotions that arise.
[…] a spotlight to a pair of signs that sit directly opposite each other on the wheel of the zodiac. Friday’s full moon in Capricorn brought attention to the Cancer/Capricorn […]