Some days everything clicks into place and you flow. Those days are awesome.
Some days, everything is a battle. You can’t get traction. It feels like you can’t win.
Sometimes you can set yourself up to get those super-charged flow days.
And sometimes, there’s not much you can do.
Don’t Blame Yourself
So much of what happens in life is beyond our control.
It’s easy to fall down the hole of “what ifs” or believing you could do something differently.
Maybe you could have, but maybe not.
This is where self-compassion comes in.
Self-compassion isn’t a tool to absolve yourself of responsibility; it’s a skill that gives you greater resilience, which helps you bounce back from the bad days with greater speed and agility.
Allow Yourself Some Grace
Hard days happen.
Not every day is going to be a winner.
Not every effort is going to pay off.
And sometimes, shit happens.
It’s ok. You’re not less of a person because of it.
Allow yourself the grace of being human.
Shut it down. Take a walk. Go for a run. Lift some weights. Dance it out.
Get some rest.
And come back to it tomorrow.
You’ve got this.
[…] Further Reading: A Reminder For You on Hard Days […]