Have you ever met someone who is always putting on a happy face?
You ask them how things are, and they always respond with words like “fantastic,” “excellent,” “outstanding.”
It’s always positive.
Here’s a confession:
I hate those people.
Ok. Hate is a strong word.
It’s more accurate to say that I don’t trust those people.
Here’s why:
Nobody’s life is perfect all the time. Nobody is always fantastic.
So either they’re lying to everyone else or they’re lying to themselves. Or both.
I’m all for looking at the bright side, finding the silver linings, seeing the lessons.
And we must also honor the darkness.
Ignoring the darkness and the challenges and your problems doesn’t make them go away. It gives them fuel to grow under the surface.
Life is light and shadow.
Until we learn to face our challenges and our darkness, we cannot take steps to change what is wrong.
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have some problems or challenges.
The first step to solving any problem is to admit you have one.
That doesn’t mean you need to share all of your challenges with the whole world. Find the people you can trust and share with them.
Keep it real.
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