If you’re doing an honest mid-year review, it’s likely that you’ll come up on some places where you’re not meeting your commitments or feeling on pace with your goals or outcomes. Maybe you’re even feeling stuck.
Attempting to avoid this feeling is what keeps many people from doing a mid-year review in the first place. It can be tempting to push it off until you’ve had more time to “make progress.”
I’m all for trusting the process and recognizing the spiral nature of progress. It’s true that sometimes what looks to us like being “off track” is actually much closer then we think.
That said, sometimes you also need to be honest with yourself and acknowledge
I’m not where I want to be.
Avoiding the facts won’t change them, and trying to brush away your disappointment is gaslighting yourself.
If you keep writing the same tasks in your to-do list or bullet journal every week, then you likely need to change your approach.
The first step is to get clear on what you want. If you’re trying to get somewhere it helps to know where you want to go.
And then we must look honestly at what is in the way.
This is not a time to hide your excuses. Excuses are welcome in this inquiry. If it feels real for you, it’s real.
Maybe you’ll discover that what you think is in the way really isn’t in the way. But unless you put it on the table you can’t make that assessment.

when you’re feeling stuck
get clear on what you want and
what is in your way
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