Astrology is medicine.
Sometimes medicine makes you feel better right away.
Sometimes medicine helps you heal, even if in the moment it doesn’t make you feel better.
Eclipses are a special type of medicine.
Eclipses put us squarely in the realm of shadow, the pieces of ourselves that we tend to ignore or push under the surface.
The parts of ourselves that we reject or push away end up controlling us. They live in the realm of the unconscious, and pop up at the most inopportune times, often in a way that leads to self-sabotage.
For example, if you learned as a child that it was “bad” to be “lazy,” you might suppress your inner laziness. And then, at the worst possible moments, like when you have a big project due, suddenly you’re procrastinating and goofing off, or you’re exhausted. Your inner lazy one runs the show.
Of course, had you recognized that laziness is just a signal that your mind and body need to rest, and honored that need, the lazy one wouldn’t have to show up just before a deadline.
Eclipses invite us into the shadow space so we can heal the fracture within ourselves. . When we accept all parts of ourselves, when we drop expectations for who and how we need to be and what is “acceptable” behavior, when we stop struggling and resisting ourselves as we are, the shadow comes into the light.
By looking at our shadow, embracing it, and integrating it back into our conscious selves, we find healing.
Healing is not about fixing something that is “broken.”
Healing means returning to wholeness.

Embrace your shadow
Call all parts of yourself home
This is how you heal.
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