The arrival of spring often triggers an urge to clean house.
In the Jewish tradition, a thorough cleaning is baked into Passover preparations, which require removal of all bread and other forbidden food items. Prior to the holiday we clear out the fridge, freezer, and pantry of old food, and check the crevices of sofas, inside coat pockets, and the bottoms of our bags for any morsels that may have been left behind.
Beyond the kitchen, you may be drawn to clear out your closets as warm weather arrives. Perhaps you go all Martha Stewart and hang the rugs outside on the line to air them out.
This clearing out can bring us a sense of lightness; eliminating the load of what we no longer need.
When it comes to spring cleaning, one often-overlooked place that can always use a good clearing out is the mind.
What thoughts are lurking in the dark crevices? What assumptions are hiding in the corners? What crumbs of expectations are lingering in your coat pockets?
Even when we regularly “clean house,” little bits of beliefs can get stuck in the nooks and crannies of our subconscious.
They may not feel like heavy weights, but we underestimate their power to energetically drain us.
Spring heralds the season of rebirth; as we take on new identities the old thoughts and beliefs grow stale. To step fully into the next cycle we must leave the old behind.
As spring dawns, what in the home of your mind needs clearing out?
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