We live in a culture that is obsessed with clock time. Most people feel the pressure of clock time even if they’re not fully aware of it.
It greets you every time you check your phone or your watch. It’s in the corner on your computer. It’s in your car.
My watch tells me how many minutes I’ve exercised. Many blogs will tell you how long it will take to read an article. Even meditation isn’t immune: my meditation app tells me how many minutes a meditation is and how many minutes I’ve meditated.
We are always counting time.
One thing I’ve discovered is that the more I count something the more of it I want.
Counting invites comparison. It can lead to the feeling that we don’t have enough.
Once a week, we are invited to stop counting.
Sabbath invites us to get off of clock time and attune to another type of time: the time of rhythm.
Something remarkable happens when we stop watching the clock and we settle into this moment:
Time expands.

stop watching the time
let yourself live off the clock
for one sacred day
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