One of the defining themes of this year in astrology is the square between Saturn and Uranus. Broadly defined, it represents a tension between innovation and tradition.
This week, for the second time this year,[1] Mars worked its way into this dynamic. It made an opposition with Saturn the other day and today it made a square with Uranus.
These transits bring to light our relationships with the obstacles in our path as we navigate change.
Saturn is the planet of structure, rules, and tradition.
Uranus is the planet of upheaval, innovation, and breakthroughs.
Both of these planets move slowly, spending years in each sign. They are methodical and patient.
Into this mix comes Mars, the red-hot warrior, the planet of inspired action, drive, and determination.
Mars rejects Saturn’s rules. It wants to create its own rules. Mars’ fire moves quickly; it creates friction with Uranus by rejecting its pace of change.
It’s no surprise that this astrological set up is described as challenging and one to watch our for.
We don’t like friction.
Much of modern “productivity culture” is focused on removing the obstacles, eliminating the friction, and bypassing the interference so we can get to where we are going faster.
In a world of one-click ordering, same-day delivery, and instant messaging, we tend to see obstacles as antagonists.
In truth, friction is our friend.
Yes, obstacles slow us down.
To use the language of software development, that’s a feature, not a bug.
The reality of life is that we can do it all, but we cannot do it all at once.
By slowing us down, the obstacles in our path force us to prioritize and be strategic. In the pause we can check in with ourselves to ask whether we still want to go where we’ve been headed.
If we try to do everything at once we will burn out. The best what kind sustain our fire is to build it slowly.
Friction forces us to pause, survey the landscape for longer than we’d like, and determine the best course of action based on what is most important to us in this moment.
By taking beat to get clear on our values and our priorities, we can channel our fire to the right place at the right time.
This is the game.

obstacles are allies
slow down to prioritize
and get strategic
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