I know what I should be doing; I’m just not doing it.
In some form or another, I’ve heard this from clients more times than I can count.
I’ve said it myself.
Here’s the truth:
We don’t always know what we should be doing. Because we don’t always know what we truly want.
So often we design our life and goals based on things we’ve seen that look like what we want. Or we set our trajectory based on expectations imposed on us by others or based on our assumptions of what will make us happy or leave us feeling fulfilled.
But the life we plan may not be what we truly desire.
The type of life we think we want may not be aligned with our skills or the way we need to work to feel fulfilled.
Sometimes this is obvious: you don’t become an accountant if you hate working with numbers.
But other times it’s more subtle. You may not realize what you’re signing up for.
That can leave you feeling stuck or frustrated. You’re working hard. You’re not making progress. You don’t know what’s wrong.
And you assume you’re the problem.
Something’s wrong with me.
Nothing is wrong with you.
The problem is that you’re driving to a destination someone else chose, using someone else’s map and compass and driving someone else’s car.
In our busy lives, we might feel like the car is on autopilot. We find ourselves living in reaction to demands on our time and attention imposed by clients, children, colleagues, community, and our culture.
The fix is simple: clarity.
Clarity is power, the type of power that helps us to reclaim our agency.
We need to calibrate our own GPS systems and create our own maps to destinations of our choosing.
When we are clear on what we truly want, what we need to do to get there, how to do those things, and what’s in our way, we can create our own map to get us there.
We can focus our attention where it matters most. We can show up with greater presence for ourselves and those we serve.
2 Requirements for Creating Clarity
The process of creating clarity has 2 requirements:
(1) Space
It requires stepping out of the busyness to look honestly at our lives and see the patterns that are showing us what we truly desire.
(2) Support
We often can’t see all the threads on our own. While empowerment must be cultivated from within, someone else can hold the space for us to cultivate it and help us see where we might have lost it or be giving it away.
make space to get clear
and restore your agency
create your own map
If you’re ready to get clear and restore your agency, I’m thrilled to invite you to participate in The Ritual Revolution.
The Ritual Revolution is about how to create space for your best work. “Your best work” begins with getting clear.
In our 7 weeks together, you’ll create space and receive support to get clear on what you really want, what you need, what’s in the way, and how to move it out of the way. You’ll identify the requirements for the space you need to do your best work, and the strategies that already work for you. You’ll combine all of this to create a system — your system — for doing the things you really want to do and achieving the results you truly desire.
We start tomorrow July 22, 2021.
You can read the FAQ here and Register here.
[…] nervous system likes specifics. Lack of clarity or specificity is the primary reason we don’t take action or make necessary […]