The more I learn about astrology and how the planets work, and the more I see how the patterns play out in life, the more awe and wonder I feel at the miracles of the universe.
Today is the last full moon of 2020. The moon is in the astrological sign of Cancer, which is its home sign. The moon is comfortable here; it is empowered to be itself.
The moon reflects our emotional side, our lunar side. (Think about the language we use: when we think people are “too emotional” we describe them as lunatic, or lunacy.) Cancer is a sign of strong emotions, sometimes referred to as the crybaby. Cancer is also about care: nurturing bonds, creating comfort and connections.
2020 has been quite a year. It has stirred up a lot of intense emotions. Holding emotions inside ourselves leads to stagnation, illness, and disease.
To keep yourself healthy you must consistently release your emotions.
So a full moon in Cancer brings us a big dose of emotional cleansing just in time to close out this tumultuous year.
If you wanted to plan what we would need at the end of 2020, a big assist with emotional cleansing would be the thing. And so we receive a full moon in Cancer.
It’s as if there’s some greater force out there aligning the stars in our favor.
Divine grace in action.
If you’re feeling particularly emotional, this is normal and healthy; let the waterworks flow. Crying is just one way we can move stuck emotions out of our systems.
You might cry from grief, anger, frustration, sadness, sorrow, disappointment, joy, relief, all of the above, or none of the above. You don’t need a reason to cry.
It may have nothing to do with 2020. It may even have nothing to do with you.
If you are highly attuned — more commonly known as highly sensitive, or an empath — you might be feeling things that aren’t yours.
Embrace whatever comes.
Let the tears flow.
Giving yourself permission to be where you are and with whatever is coming through you is one of the most profound ways you can care for yourself.
There’s no need to judge it or give words to it. Simply allow it to be there. Know that, like a wave, it will pass, and that it is clearing you out for what is to come next.
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