Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashana. In addition to being the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana is a holiday centered around personal transformation. We are asked to stop and think about who we are and who we want to be. What kind of future do we want to build for ourselves? More than simply a time to set new goals for the coming year, the period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) invite us to reflect on our purpose and the meaning we want to give to our lives.
Tonight, I felt inspired by these big themes as I rode the subway from my downtown neighborhood to the Upper East Side to have Rosh Hashana dinner with my parents. As I contemplated these big themes, a poem emerged.
This isn’t about religion. It’s simply about life.
Shana Tova (Happy New Year). May God grant us all another year of life, and may we seize that gift to live fully.
What if …
What if
life was not about
achieving goals
or setting goals
What if
life was not about
discovering your purpose
or finding your purpose
or even having a purpose
What if
life was not about
creating a legacy
or leaving a legacy
What if
life was not about
creating a body of work
to live on
when you pass
or creating something
by which other people
will remember you
What if
every day
we woke up
with no memory of the day before
and no guarantee of a day to follow
What if
we could not communicate
through written words
or spoken words
But only through
the silent language
of our hearts and souls
conveyed through
the light in our eyes
our intentions and actions
smiles and tears
open hearts
and turned backs
What if
the only currency accepted
was the currency of love
and presence
What if
the only metrics that mattered
were how many people felt loved
by you
and the number of moments
you truly felt alive
What if
your sole purpose in life was
to learn
who you have become
and who you are
Not who you could have been
or who you could be
or who you were
what is your past
what is your potential
Who you are.
Who you have become.
Who you love.
What if
all we have
this day
this moment
What if
this were our world
What if
this is our world
What if?
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...