When we are seeking the light or looking into it all day, we miss out on the practical and spiritual gift of darkness.
Full Moon in Leo: Bravery to Be the Light
Being the light requires bravery. This is our calling at the full moon in Leo.
Find the Light in 2020
Nobody would blame you for wanting to get 2020 out of the way to focus on what’s next. But this year, more than ever, you need to do a year-end review to find the light in 2020.
How to Heal Our Injured World
We are conditioned to believe that self-care is selfish, but timeless wisdom tells us to work on ourselves as a way to heal the outside worked.
The Revolution Begins at Home
The festival of Chanukah reminds us that the revolution that will lead to victory of light over darkness begins at home.
Finding Light in the Darkness
2020 has been a year with much unexpected darkness. One way to make meaning of the darkness is to find the light within it.