When emotions are raw and tensions run high, there are four words that can make a huge difference.
Transcending The Stories We Tell
We can use stories to empower or defeat, to encourage or deflate, to elevate or detract.
Don’t Stop the Music
Music doesn’t just make us feel good; it also holds valuable lessons that can get us through any difficult circumstances.
Beltane: Reclaim Your Virginity and Realign With What Matters
If you need a dose of joy and cheer to end your week, you’re in luck. The Pagan holiday of Beltane is a “springtime festival of optimisim.”
3 Reasons Why the Coronavirus Quarantine is Awesome
If you’re resistant to this new way of life, you’ll be in suffering for the next month or longer. But if you embrace this time, it could lead to some spectacular experiences.
Feel Good Friday: My Top 7 Inspiring Coronavirus Musical Performances (so far)
Music has a unique power to heal in ways that are unmatched by modern medicine. Here are seven inspirational performances to bring you joy and healing.
Feel Good Friday: My Top 9 Favorite Coronavirus Musical Parodies (so far)
Laughter is the best medicine. And music is a pathway to the soul. These parodies are just what you need when the daily news leaves you feeling despondent.