The biblical miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea tells us a lot about human nature at every threshold: the fear of the unknown vs the pain of the known.
Purim: Finding Joy in Uncertainty
Purim is a festival of joy that offers us the exact lesson we need in today’s climate of uncertainty and chaos.
The Foundation You Can’t See
On the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, we learn to rejoice in insecurity by resting on the most secure foundation that exists.
Creating Connection Through Separation
We are conditioned to believe that we must fit in to belong. What if it’s the opposite: that we find true belonging when we are willing to be visible in our differences?
How to Free Yourself From a Victim Mindset
The demons of doubt and fear can be formidable oppressors, trapping us in a victim mindset and enslaving us to a life lived below our potential. The good news is that we hold the key to free ourselves.
Freedom Isn’t Granted; It’s a Choice
One of the lessons of Passover is that freedom is not something we are given. It’s a state we choose on our own.