pulls our focus to the ways in which caring, and nurturing can be our superpower — if we harness these qualities with discipline.
It’s Time for a New Paradigm of Productivity
A culture focused on quantifying our lives through traditional productivity metrics that value “getting things done” misses the point of what it takes to create a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. It’s time for a new paradigm of productivity that embraces a holistic approach.
Venus Sextile Uranus: Revolutionizing the Currency of Care
Is our current collective values system serving our long-term good? As Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, it invites us to consider how we might benefit from a revolution to a currency of care.
When It’s Time to Stop Caring
To take the next leap in my work I must remember that meaning is in the control of the person seeking and let go of caring about how my work lands.