Nothing exists in isolation.
This is a fundamental principle of life.
For example, the human body is a system of systems. An injury or illness, is not contained to the specific area of pain — it represents a breakdown across multiple areas.
A relationship doesn’t fail because of one argument; it’s a confluence of factors.
Maintaining good health requires we do many things well.
In my real estate business, I know that when a client is struggling to make a decision, it’s usually not about the home. There’s often some other issue arising for them that on the surface may not seem related to their decision to buy or sell.
Many coaches assume procrastination and resistance are signs of fear of the task at hand. In fact, it’s often a more complex web of issues that don’t seem related to the delayed task.
Time and again I have learned: everything is related.
This lesson one of the most important I’ve learned in my study of astrology. When reading a chart, it’s easy to get fixated on a particular aspect or angle.
It’s important to remember that nothing happens in isolation and sometimes things that look challenging can actually be a blessing.
Here’s an example from a recent experience I had that drove this lesson home for me in a new way.
A Looming Challenge
Last year, in an episode of The Astrology Podcast, astrologer Austin Coppock mention in passing that in 2024 Saturn would station retrograde at 19 degrees of Pisces.
It was a fleeting comment, mentioned more than six months in advance of the event. But it caught my attention because in my natal chart — the map of the sky when I was born — Mars is at 19º03’ of Pisces.
I knew three important things:
(1) When planets station retrograde or direct, they slow down.
A planet doesn’t travel at the same speed through all degrees of the zodiac. It will spend more time at the degree where it stations than at other degrees.
I immediately checked an ephemeris and discovered that Saturn will be at 19 degrees of Pisces for a full six weeks. In contrast, it spends about three weeks at other degrees of the sign.
(2) A conjunction between Saturn and Mars is considered a “hard aspect.”
Mars is heat, fire, and impulsive action. Saturn represents boundaries and limitations. Mars/Saturn conjunctions can be like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
(3) This transit would have added significance for me this year
Under the timing technique of Annual Profections, each year brings our focus to a different area of life, as signified by one of the twelve houses in our chart.
The planetary ruler of that house becomes our “Time Lord” for the year. The actions of this planet in the current sky, as well as transits to that planet in the natal chart, have a greater impact.
My birthday last week initiated a year where Mars is my “Time Lord,” or guiding planet.
This means that I’ll be invited to embody more deeply the archetypal qualities of Mars:
Mars is the warrior planet. It is driven, focused, and determined. It initiates action, sometimes impulsively.
Most pop culture astrology sites would paint this transit in dire terms, stoking fear. I admit I had a moment of dread for what was on the horizon.
The Benefits of Apprehension
As I started 2024, the Saturn transit to my natal Mars loomed larger than anything else. This “obstacle” was all I could see.
To be sure, this apprehension has helped me plan for what could be a challenging stretch of time.
This transit falls in my sixth house, the house of work and health routines and rituals. I know I’ll likely be more tired than usual. I can expect to be frustrated in efforts to get things done.
During those six weeks, it will help me to create more space in my schedule for rest, meditation, and expanding my frustration tolerance.
This is one of the benefits of knowing what’s coming.
But it also helps to see the complete picture of what’s coming.
The Bigger Picture
It wasn’t until closer to my birthday, when I looked more closely at my solar return chart, that this more complete picture emerged.
My solar return chart has a lot of positive placements and aspects.
It is a Leo Rising chart with the Sun in Taurus in the tenth house, conjunct the midheaven — an ideal chart for visibility. The Sun is flanked by both benefic planets — Venus, the ruler of Taurus — and Jupiter.
Saturn is in a supportive aspect with the Sun.
Mars, is in its home sign of Aries, giving it resources.
As far as charts go, it’s a great chart for visibility and career, which also brings in the second house themes of this age year for me.
The Positive Side of Hard Transits
The looming Saturn/Mars conjunction is only one piece of the picture.
And, while most casual followers of astrology would portray this as a “hard challenge,” my personal history tells a different story.
Looking back through my journals, I have charted that I tend to do well with hard Saturn/Mars aspects.
CMy Mars in Pisces has many of the signatures that align with my ADHD. It can sometimes be all over the place when it comes to taking action. As much as I resist structure, I also crave it.
Even if frustrating, the limits imposed by Saturn can also be helpful.
In the context of my focus for this coming year, I realized that Saturn conjunct my Mars can be a blessing, not the curse that many make it out to be.
This is a transit that can help me embody my martial focus, drive, and determination without getting as distracted or diverted as I might normally do.
Rather than something to fear, it can be something to embrace.
Lesson: Take a Holistic View
This insight about my solar return chart and the bigger picture reminded me of the importance of not looking at any one thing in isolation.
This is one of the lessons that astrology repeatedly teaches.
A chart is a wheel that maps out interactions among multiple planetary energies.
At any one time we can have multiple transits and aspects.
A holistic approach to life mandates we look at the whole, rather than only the parts.
Curious to learn more about your chart and what this year holds for you? I am now offering chart readings for both natal charts and transits! Get in touch to learn more and schedule a reading.
[…] also includes nervous system resources, and therefore integrates with the comfort […]