Virgo season pulls focus to the daily chores, routines, and rituals that help keep the wheels of life turning. Consistent with this grounded, practical sign, these daily activities are not always sexy or exciting; they may not involve grand adventure.
In fact, they are often the things we do under the radar, out of visibility of public view.
Exerciser, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking meals, paying bills, and personal routines like taking a shower or getting a hair cut.
In over a decade of productivity coaching, I have found that a big pitfall for people who struggle to get things done is that they failed to schedule the time they need for these “mundane” life activities.
If you try to plan your other actions without taking into account the time you need for basic life necessities, you’ll quickly find yourself “out of time.”
The key to making time for everything is to create routines and systems that work for you. Putting the right activities in the right sequence can make all the difference.
This is Virgo’s speciality.
Virgo loves a routine, a process, a system, a schedule, and a ritual.
Virgo New Moon: Reset Your Routine
This mutable earth sign navigates us through the seasonal transition between summer and autumn, a time when nature and her bounty starts to wither and contract, when hurricaine season reigns, the winds of change blow with force and even the least attuned people feel the change in the air.
Virgo is the season of back to school and Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.
More than at any other time of year, the energy is ripe for new routines and rituals.
Virgo is a sign of adjustment and compromise, and each year the new moon in Virgo arrives with an invitation to adjust or hit a complete reset on our daily routines and rituals:
- What parts of your routine do you need to adjust as we move into a new season?
- What do you need to add to or remove from your daily routines to make progress on your goals or to better align your actions with your values?
This year’s new moon in Virgo, which occurs at 21º58’ Virgo on September 14 at 9:40 pm ET, feels especially potent for a reset and reboot of our daily routine.
Mercury Retrograde: Review of What Works
Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, stationed retrograde at 21º Virgo, the exact spot where the new moon is happening, three weeks ago.
The retrograde has pulled our focus to reviewing our systems, routines, and processes for the daily acts of living.
This review has given us the opportunity to consider what is working and what isn’t working in our daily routines and rituals.
Where do we need a new schedule or sequencing of our routine? What no longer fits our identity of who we are becoming?
Virgo is a practical sign, and also adaptable: if a ritual is no longer serving a purpose, it gets rid of it.
This is the sign of harvest, but also of release.
With Mercury stationing direct tomorrow, this new moon seems to offer us not just a reset, but a complete reboot and redirection in this area of our lives.
With this new moon we are invited to forge a completely new path, and to plant the seeds for new rituals that might support our new evolutions of ourselves.
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