There is nothing in this life that is more certain than death.
Everything and everyone is going to die. It’s a guarantee.
And yet, at least in western culture, no topic is more fiercely avoided than death. Our preoccupation with happiness, with freedom, with joy, with “living a full life” often come as a resistance to the idea that we will eventually die.
New Moon in Scorpio: Transformation
In the wheel of the zodiac, Scorpio season reminds us of the inevitability of death. This is the season when death is all around us in the decay of nature, it’s the season of Halloween, of the Day of the Dead.
Each year, the Scorpio new moon is a new moon of transformation. This Scorpio new moon (Monday, November 13 at 7:28 am ET) is especially so.
With the Sun, Moon, and Mars in Scorpio sitting opposite Uranus in Taurus, it speaks to a radical change in how we are taking action toward something we desire and how we are sourcing our courage.
This might feel disruptive — Uranus brings upheaval and uprooting — but ultimately its aim is to liberate us from what is keeping us stuck.
Although it’s easy to point fingers to external sources that are holding us back, Scorpio season reminds us to look at the landscape deep within. It’s the emotions we push away, the grief we bury, the anger we bypass, that becomes our prison walls.
Our culture tends to idealize the new and to bypass the necessary death of things that must occur to make way for the change that we seek.
Liberation Through Grief
This new moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation only comes when we can accept the necessary death of things.
The darkness of the new moon invites us to go within, to grieve what has been lost or what we are letting go, and to sit in the emptiness of the mystery before we seed the next thing.
It’s precisely this act of grieving that tills the soil for what will be planted.
Any liberation that comes from an outside source is not true liberation. The freedom we seek will come only when we harness the courage to sit with our shadows and grieve what we have lost.
The eternal light of happiness and joy that we seek is only attainable through sitting in the darkness.
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