Whether you want to admit it or not, you have deep wounds — wounds that likely extend back to your childhood.
Maybe you felt rejected, or judged, bullied, or overlooked. Maybe you were relentlessly criticized by a parent, or held to too high a standard, taught that failure is unacceptable. Perhaps nothing you did was ever good enough.
Or maybe it’s something else.
It’s likely that this wound is a tremendous source of pain. If you’re like most people, you want to avoid pain.
So you push this wound deeper within you, vowing not to let it rise to the surface. You do your best to push it out of your mind, to not allow it to invade your space.
News flash: you aren’t fooling anyone, least of all yourself.
Whatever we try to push to the side becomes the source of our self-sabotage.
In astrology, Chiron represents the Wounded Healer, the source of our deepest pain — but also the source of our greatest gifts.
However, in order to access the gifts of our wounds, we must heal them.
Healing does not mean to get rid of the pain.
The word “heal” is related to the word “whole.”
To heal is to make whole.
To heal our deepest wounds requires us to integrate those parts of ourselves that were wounded.
Through integration, we unlock the key to our life’s purpose and calling.
Before we can integrate these parts, we must see them. Hear them.
Today, Mercury, the messenger planet, conjuncts Chiron. Mercury is the messenger, the microphone, and the megaphone. As it conjuncts Chiron, it gives us the opportunity to hear our deepest wounds so that we can integrate those parts of ourselves and access our greatest gifts.
Of course, we must be listening, and willing to hear the message.
The natural tendency is for us to plug our ears and avoid hearing the calls of our inner wounds.
However, when we make efforts to listen to those hurt places within us, we receive a key that unlocks the door to our true calling and life purpose.
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