If you’ve ever had braces, either as a child or an adult, then you know:
There’s a constant tension. It’s slightly uncomfortable, but not unbearable. And it takes time.
It’s not an overnight process.
It’s not even a 30-day process.
Teeth move slowly, in imperceptible shifts.
You cannot see the movement from one day to the next.
Sometimes you can’t see it from one week to the next, or even a month.
The fact that you can’t see the movement doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.
It’s a game of millimeters. Fractions of millimeters.
Eventually, with the aid of time and the slight pressure, the teeth will move.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, after you’ve stopped looking for it, you’ll see a difference from where they were when you started.
It was always happening, but you didn’t see it.
This is the real pace of change.
Small, micro millimeter shifts that are imperceptible until they are noticeable.
It’s not an instant result.
You’ve got to be in it for the long haul.
You’ve got to invest: financially, emotionally, energetically.
It takes daily maintenance and upkeep. — an intentional practice of supportive rituals.
Without brushing and flossing and good dental hygeine, the apparatus that moves your teeth will fail to work.
And if you don’t maintain some type of daily practice, the results you achieve won’t last.
Without a retainer, the teeth will eventually shift again.
Without good eating and exercise practices, the changes you make in your body won’t last.
Without meditation practice, your inner calm will disappear.
In life, there are no instant results. And there are no forever results.
Everything moves in small, imperceptible shifts. And once we can see those shifts, we must maintain them or else they will shift back.
We never quite arrive; we are always in process.
One millimeter at a time.
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