it’s Pisces season
dive deep beneath the surface
embrace your dreamer
As much as it may sometimes seem that we can get stuck in unmoving situations, the truth is that nothing stays the same for long.
Circumstances change even without our active participation. Life moves. It flows, like a river. Everything comes around in time.
Approximately every 30 days, the sun moves into a new section of the sky. At least that is how it appears from our vantage on earth.
Today marks the start of Pisces season. Pisces is the last sign of the winter season, and the last sign of the zodiac. As the last sign of the season, it’s a mutable sign — a sign that denotes the change of season.
If you live in climates with seasons, you might feel this in the day-to-day. It’s the time of year when one day can feel warm, creating hope that winter’s coldest days are behind us, while the next day reminds us that winter is not yet over.
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces incorporates a little bit of each previous sign. It also reminds us that everything in life eventually comes full circle. Life is not linear. Everything comes around in time.
Pisces is also a water sign. Water itself is mutable. It takes on the taste of whatever flavors are infused in it. It can take on various forms: liquid, solid, gas. We use water to cleanse our inside and outside. It is flexible and yielding, yet it’s persistence gives it the power to form a hole in a stone, smooth the jagged edges of rocks, and melt rocks into sand.
Pisces season invites us to embrace flexibility and “go with the flow.” At the same time, we need to shore up our boundaries: without the river banks there is no river, the water becomes a flood.
Water is also associated with the emotions. Pisces season invites us to go deep beneath the surface and feel what we are feeling. People born under Pisces, or with significant planets here, are often highly attuned to others’ emotions and to the energy in a space.
Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and blessings. It’s modern ruler is Neptune, a watery planet known for its dreamy qualities. Pisces is a sign for dreaming. This watery abode facilitates our intuition, insights, and vision.
During Pisces season, don’t expect linearity. This season is about feeling the feels, attuning to emotions, and dreaming big. It’s a time to get creative. Write poetry. Create art. Imagine the world you want to live in. Go with the flow.
Remember that no situation lasts forever. In time, winter’s ice will melt. Spring is closer than you think.
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