This is part of a series exploring the seven lower Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These spheres are the seven core emotions that drive human interaction.
This week we are exploring the theme of Netzach.
to sustain action
first get clear on your mission
and motivation
Netzach is not about taking action for the sake of action. At its core, it’s about taking action in connection with a longer term vision or goal.
What this means in practice is that the first step to Netzach is not about taking action at all.
The most important things we do in life are marathons, not sprints. If you want to sustain your action you first must get clear on a few key elements. This is like planning a road trip. It’s important to know:
- The Destination: your bigger picture outcome
- Why: the reasons you want to go there or take a trip in general
- The Roadblocks: the obstacles that are likely to get in your way
- The Detours: a plan for navigating those obstacles
At Chesed of Netzach we get clear on these elements. Chesed is where we expand and make contact. We get present to what’s here.
It’s likely you’ve heard other people talk about the importance of a “compelling why” or having a bigger-picture outcome.
But here’s what’s they often leave out:
Even the most clearly defined outcome and most compelling why aren’t enough.
Your best laid plans may not be enough to meet your outcome. The reasons you find most compelling today may not hold up in the face of big obstacles.
You need multiple outcomes and multiple reasons.
If I had only one goal with this blog or only one compelling reason. I would have quit within a few months.
What keeps this going is that I don’t just have contingency plans for when my process gets interrupted. I have backup goals and multiple reasons.
So that when one fails I have backup.
Together they weave a net that holds my practice and helps me sustain action.
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