indulge in a dream
tune out your skeptical voice
listen to your heart
For some people, dreaming is standard fare. They regularly indulge, allowing themselves to get carried away in possibilities.
For others, dreams are limited to what is realistic and practical, if they dare to dream at all.
I tend to fall in the second category. My “dreams” are often more like goals: typically based on what I’ve seen before. They are less “dreams” and more “adaptations” from one industry or area of life to another.
Sometimes I forget about my inner skeptic and I dare to dream big. I dream things that are unimaginable. Things that don’t make sense.
Those dreams are the dreams that move me. They open new portals of possibility.
Dreams have led to some of my best ideas and best moments.
I have to remind myself of this often, because otherwise I tend to avoid dreaming too big.
Dreaming, just like other skills, is something we can practice. And now is a perfect time to do it.
This is a season for dreams. The sun is in Pisces, a dreamy water sign. For the first time since 1856, the sun is in Pisces while Neptune and Jupiter, the co-rulers of Pisces, are also there.
Today Mars forms a sextile to Neptune, the planet of dreams. Tomorrow Venus will sextile Neptune. A sextile is a supportive angle that helps our cause.
Also helping my cause right now is a bit of brain fog. Rather than fight it, I can embrace it by heeding it’s message.
The message is to dream — and dream big. To do that, I need to tune out the linear voice and enter the intuitive realm.
So that’s what I’m doing. I invite you to do the same.
What’s your relationship with dreaming?
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...