let yourself dream big
ignore the voice asking how
you will find a way
How often do you let yourself dream big? I’m not talking about goal setting, per se. I’m talking about the thing that needs to happen before you set goals. Dreams. Visions. The big desires you have that sometimes feel too big to say out loud.
Many of us stay away from these big dreams. Sometimes intentionally, and sometimes unconsciously. Maybe you hesitate to state aloud what you really want because you fear judgment from others. Maybe you harbor a belief that you have no right to ask for what you truly desire, that to speak it into the world would reveal you to be “selfish.”
Or maybe your rational brain shuts you down with the tyranny of the “how.” No sooner do you start dreaming then the voice pops up with its skepticism:
How’s that going to work?
That voice is just trying to protect you. It’s a good steward, doing it’s job to help you plan a path to what you want. The problem is that it tends to enter the picture too soon.
The tyranny of the how quashes your inner dreamer.
And dreams are important.
Keep in mind that the point of dreams is not always to realize them in full detail; it’s to give you signals about what you desire and what’s important to you.
Seeing the dream in full color in your mind helps you get a vision for where you want to go.
The dreaming stage is separate from the planning stage.
There will be plenty of time for you to address the how. First, you need to get clear on the what and why.
Give yourself some space to dream big without letting the tyranny of the how get in your way.
Here are 3 steps to addressing the voice that asks how will it work?
- Acknowledge that part of you that wants to know the details.
- Assure it that you hear its concerns and won’t forget about it.
- Ask it to take a rest for now and return at another time. You can even schedule a specific time in your calendar for entertaining the how question.
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