In the chaos and uncertainty and demands of life, and in our reactivity to all of it, we forget what we know. We forget why we are here. We forget our essential nature.
We forget who we are.
We often think we need to do more, learn more, produce more, or be more.
It’s easy to get caught up in the myth that our power resides with an external source, and that our completeness lies in finishing the next book, or receiving the next certification.
We get trapped into believing that the balm for what ails us is on the other side of whatever obstacle we currently face. That with the right knowledge or the right system or a better habit we will suddenly break through.
And we lose sight of the fact that we are whole and complete exactly as we are.
The wheels of commerce turn on your belief that you are not enough, that you are lacking in some basic attributes that will be fixed if you buy the latest gadget or accessory or a bigger house, if you get another degree or certification, if you write more blog posts or books — if you fix whatever is wrong with you.
You do not need to be fixed. You are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you.
You have simply forgotten, because the world is designed to make you forget.
All you need is a practice to come back to yourself. To reclaim your wholeness.
And to remember who you are.
Reconnect with your essential worthiness to give yourself what you need, to claim the space you need to care for yourself, to do what matters most to you, to claim the rates you deserve.
Feel the power that emerges from within when you honor yourself and your boundaries.
Embrace the magic that comes from trusting the voice of inner wisdom that resides deep within you.
Feel the sense of purpose and meaning that flow from remembering why you’re here and what you offer the world.
Experience the grace of knowing that the universe always aligns to guide you to the right place at the right time. Always.
And remember that in the moments you think otherwise it’s because the story that you’re living is not yet over.
Float on the high of this remembering.
Remember who you are.
It’s that simple. And also it’s that difficult.
Because we forget. We live in a world that is designed to make us forget. The most confident people forget this at times.
Rituals help us remember.
Rituals carve space in time. They infuse action with intention. They slow things down, disrupting habits and routines.
And in so doing, they create an opening for revelation and remembering.
It’s no coincidence that every culture from the beginning of time has rituals for every rite of passage.
Rituals bring us back: to ourselves, to our truth, to what’s real.
Rituals help us remember.
Remember what you know.
Remember why you’re here.
Remember who you are.
In a world that tries to make you forget, there is no act more revolutionary than remembering who you are.

remember yourself
a being of love and light
this is who you are
Are you ready for a Revolution?
I’m thrilled to announce that The Ritual Revolution is now open for limited enrollment.
If you’re ready for a Revolution, I invite you to join me starting on Thursday July 22 at 4 pm ET for a transformative 7-week live, interactive and integrated experience to remember who you are. We will gather live for 90 minutes each week, in sacred circle to explore what gets in your way and how to remove it so you can deepen your remembering of who you are.
Claim your spot here or contact me for more details.
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