The sixth sense. Gut instinct. Chills. Seeing clearly. Feeling the vibes.
It’s right there in our everyday language: when it comes to malign aligned decisions, the source of wisdom I seek is in my body. The body knows.
It is infinitely more intelligent than the mind. The mind is clouded by stories, expectations, beliefs, and assumptions that steer me down the wrong path.
If I want to make the right decision, I must listen to and trust my body.
Here’s the challenge: I wasn’t taught how to do this. My guess is that perhaps you also weren’t taught this.
In fact, I was taught the opposite: listen to what’s rational and reasonable.
Something to consider: many lawsuits hinge on what “reasonable” means. There’s no standard for it.
So it’s hard to make a solid decision based on what’s reasonable.
Another reason listening to the body is difficult is because I learned how to dissociate from my body. I learned the mind was all that mattered. That turned out to be bad advice.
Listening to the body entails a reacquainting process. Learning how to identify the different sensations and states of being, and what they tell you.
It’s a skill that can be developed, a muscle to build.
honor your body
listen to what it requests
nourish it with care
[…] Decisions are hard. […]