Insurgents stormed the Capitol, breached its walls and entered, forcing lawmakers into lockdown. A woman was shot and died.
Its just the latest event that at one point we thought only happened in random third-world countries.
If it happened elsewhere, we’d be on our high horses, sending our troops to maintain order and protect democracy.
Instead, the war is on U.S. soil. Who is coming to help America protect democracy?
If you’re surprised, if you didn’t see this coming, you weren’t paying attention. We’ve been leading up to this for months. Years.
And yet somehow it doesn’t ease the pain of seeing it unfold.
I’ve long since exhausted my outrage. I no longer have the energy to be angry. Even fear has run its course.
So I sit with what’s left when they all dissipate: Grief. Sadness.
We all lost today. There’s no sides. No good guys and bad guys. We are all complicit in creating the world in which this happened.
I trust that this is designed to help us grow stronger. Sometimes everything needs to break before we can rebuild. Will we survive this? Yes.
But we won’t heal from it unless and until we grieve. So I grieve for what we lost.
It’s a sad day in America.
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