Principles of nature: Every season has its purpose. There’s a time for everything. Nature doesn’t make mistakes.
When we ignore the innate intelligence of nature, we fall out of rhythm. Then we rely on linear measures like changing clock time and technology and lights in an attempt to override the wisdom of nature and her rhythms.
How often do we try to override nature?
We continue to do, to push, to exert, and to hold on, even when nature tells us it’s time to be, to relax, go within, and to let go.
Trusting Nature’s Rhythms
When I’m out of rhythm on the trampoline it’s usually because I’m trying to do too much, and not trusting the trampoline.
The same applies to life.
Life is not linear. We cannot expect results if we are always pushing, striving, driving, sprinting.
Life is a dance, an intricate dance that follows a rhythm.
Nature Makes No Mistakes
The pandemic is forcing new lockdowns as the seasons turn, as we begin the hibernation season, the yin time, the time to go inward.
What if the virus is not surging because people are spending more time inside, but as a message, to force us back inside?
If we understand that nature makes no mistakes, then we might see that the virus is not here to get in the way; the virus is teaching us the way. It is illuminating the rhythms of nature and asking us to comply.
We are being called, collectively, to change our ways, to root in new values that respect nature, the planet, the universal laws of intelligence.
This is our collective healing.
The longer we resist the longer it will persist.
Mediating Polarity is a Dance
Change is inevitable. We are entering a new paradigm where the feminine energy is rising and will carry more influence.
Not at the expense of the masculine, not taking anything away. But as an equal force, a dance partner.
Only we can mediate the polarization that has formed, by recognizing that the duality we perceive is an illusion, that everything contains its opposite, and that truth lies in the middle, in the implicit third thing we aren’t seeing.
The only way to mediate the polarity is to honor both. There’s no dance if we only have one.
And life is in the dance.
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