The time around the spring equinox is a perfect time for a quarterly review of your business, life, and routines. Create space over the next few weeks to reflect. Reassess where you are, where you want to go, and what resources, relationships, and rituals will help you get there.
Here are some tips for how to reassess, renew, and recharge your energy for spring.
(1) Get Moving
Spring is a season of active energy. As you emerge from the dormancy of winter, it’s time to shake off the snow and move your body.
Spring is the season for new beginnings and fresh starts; this is a perfect time to examine your fitness routine and try some new activities or forms of exercise.
Instead of doing more of the same workouts, aim to infuse your routine with at least one new class or form of exercise that challenges your body in a new way.
(2) Breathe
We breathe without thinking, but it’s amazing how often we forget to really breathe deeply. When you don’t think about breathing, your breath is typically shallow. Shallow breathing is a signal to your brain that you are in distress. To calm your nervous system, it helps to breathe slowly and deeply.
Take a few minutes during your day to breathe fully and deeply. I recently got an Apple Watch, and I love the daily reminder to breathe deeply. You can creates this without the watch by setting a timer on your phone for 1–2 minutes. Close your eyes, and feel the breath move through your body.
It can help to put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly as you do this. In addition to helping you connect your body with your breath, placing your hands on these areas helps ground you, which stabilizes your energy during the seasonal transition.
As the weather warms up, get out into nature and breathe in the fresh air of spring. Feel the fresh air fill your lungs and infuse your body with new energy.
(3) Alignment Check
After a winter spent dreaming and imagining possibilities, Spring is the time to narrow your focus and choose a path. Rather than diffusing your energy to a variety of outcomes, direct your energy to projects that will bring you joy and fulfillment, and discard other options.
As you consider your projects, the equinox pause is the perfect time for an alignment check.
Revisit your vision and any outcomes you already set for your year. The ultimate purpose of goals is to stretch us; your original goals may have lost meaning if you’ve already experienced a lot of growth moments. This is not only ok — it’s the point of pausing to check in. Why continue in pursuit of goals that no longer serve you?
Some questions to ask:
- Is your vision still aligned with your values?
- Are your goals still relevant to your ultimate outcomes?
- What shifts have you made that may have changed your vision?
- What is seeking to emerge?
- Who do you need to be to support that work?
- What identity do you need to inhabit?
- What beliefs will serve you?
(4) Spring Cleaning
Spring is also a time for clearing out. The concept of “spring cleaning” applies beyond your home.
Consider all areas — external and internal — including:
- Physical possessions
- Digital files
- Beliefs
- Rules
- Relationships
- Ideas
What are you holding onto that no longer serve you? What can you discard?
Related to spring cleaning is the concept of boundaries. Just like it’s much easier to clean your home if you accumulate less clutter, it’s much easier to clean out the other areas of your life if you don’t let in what doesn’t serve you.
Where do you need stronger boundaries in your life to keep our distractions and disruptions?
(5) Spring Forward
After you’ve cleared what’s in the way, consider how you will move forward.
- Where do you want to go?
- Who can help you get there? What relationships do you have that can support you?
- What identity must you step into
- What rituals do you need to support you?
This Is A Process
Remember that this is a process that happens over time. Flowers don’t shoot out of the earth on the first day of spring; they emerge slowly as the weather warms. Similarly, major transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Progress comes from taking small steps daily to create consistency and sustainability.
What are your favorite spring reboot rituals? Please share in the comments!
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