You have a gift. More than one, in fact. Everyone has gifts.
But being gifted isn’t enough if you don’t know how to use your gifts.
Here are three steps to using your gifts.
(1) Learn What Your Gifts Are
Often we may not know what our gifts are.
How is it possible that you wouldn’t know what your gifts are?
You may have been steered away from your gifts as a child by people — parents, teachers, mentors — who couldn’t see your gifts, or had different agendas for you, or fears about what life might be like for you if you used your gifts.
Maybe you noticed your gifts but your own fears about your gifts caused you to hide them away, not even telling anyone about them, so nobody could encourage you to develop them.
The first step to using your gifts is to learn what your gifts are. This isn’t a one-time process, because you have many gifts.
(2) Find Places Where Your Gifts Are Relevant
Maybe you know what your gifts are, but you still don’t use them. Why does this happen?
We may get seduced by the expectations of those we love most or by prevailing standards of our culture to follow a different path, a path that takes us away from our gifts. We may end up in places where our gifts aren’t relevant.
To use your gifts you must find places where your gifts are relevant.
(3) Cultivate Your Gifts
Step three is cultivating your gifts. You can’t just show up and expect your gifts to be accessible to you when you need them. If you want to access your gifts you must use them.
But cultivating your gifts goes beyond just using them in those places where they’re relevant.
All gifts require nurturing and nourishing. Practice. A commitment to constant improvement and refinement.
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