Snow creates a blissful silence that produces magic, if we can shut up long enough to let it work on us.
A Silence of Honoring
Some characterize New York City on Christmas as “dead.” To me, it feels very much alive.
Savoring Silence’s Warm Embrace
For the first time in months I am alone, and for the first time in almost a year I am wrapped in a cocoon of silence.
The Service of Silence
Thomas Merton says our service to the world might be simply to keep a place where there is no noise, where people can be silent together. Some reflections.
The Gift in Losing Power
Losing power is often seen as a negative event. But the gift in losing power is in what we gain.
Getting Real About What’s Happening Right Now
In a time of a global sacred pause, the noise is louder than ever. Real talk, a rant, and some wisdom about what’s going on right now.