The new moon in Libra aligns with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, to help us initiate change. But first, we need to go within for introspection and self-reflection.
3 Identity Shifts Necessary for Repentance
Repentance requires that we embrace a change in our identity in three difference areas.
Creating Your Life’s Masterpiece
This is the time to step back from the canvas and assess where we are and where we are going. How will you make best use of your one life?
Return to Yourself: Finding Your Way Home
Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah and the Ten Days of Return. It’s the beginning of the path of returning to ourselves and our true home.
Life Requires Participation, Not Documentation
In the age of the InstaStory, we’ve become storytellers and reporters documenting life, and we’ve stopped living it.