Mercury’s transit through Pisces can be like a bad case of brain fog, forcing us to adapt to new ways of working. Here are 5 ways to keep creating through this transit.
The Best Reason to Publish a Blog in 2022
The best reason to publish a blog is not for what you can share with others but what you’ll discover for yourself.
The Best System for Organizing Your Ideas
Rather than spending hours tagging and organizing your notes and ideas, try this system that’s far more simple, and helps you build a more enduring muscle.
3 Best Places to Find Content Ideas
Ideas are everywhere, if you know where to look. Here are my top 3 places where to find content ideas. And a tip on where you won’t find them.
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of the Algorithm
The algorithm serves up the information it wants us to see, but we don’t have to be its victims.
The Limits of Classifications
It’s human nature to seek to classify things as being one thing or another. This works well when organizing objects; it falls apart when trying to sort people or ideas.