Beyond all of its significations and themes, Venus retrograde boils down to asking one specific question and sitting in the uncertainty for 40 days and 40 nights.
How to Avoid Getting Swayed by Bad Marketing
Marketers invest a lot of time and money to figure out what you really want. Shouldn’t you do the same?
How to Search For What You Want More Effectively
The abundance of information online can quickly steer any search down down the black hole of comparison and lock you in indecision. Clarity filters out irrelevant information and makes any search more efficient.
A New Approach to Morning Pages
Earlier this week, I decided to try to incorporate the process of free writing known as “Morning Pages” into my routine. Morning Pages is an exercise offered by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. The exercise, as far as I understand it (I haven’t actually read Cameron’s book), is to write three pages of […]