The Spring Equinox marks the start of Aries season, an energy that wants to hit the ground running. But the current alignments tell us that this year we’d be wise to take it slow out of the gate to clear up what’s still unresolved.
5 Things to Know About Aries Season
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries season invites us to be bold, brave, and couragous in taking imperfect action. Here are five things you need to know to harness the energy of Aries season.
5 Reasons Why Aries Season is the Best Week of the Year to Start a New Routine, Especially in 2023
If you’re in need of a restart, a refresh, or even just a new routine, the week of March 20, 2023 might be the best week of the entire year to initiate it. Here are 5 reasons why this is the time to make a change.