On the surface, the signs of Cancer and Capricorn appear very different. But ultimately they want the same thing. Learning how to mediate the polarity can help us achieve more in a way that is more fulfilling.
5 Reasons Why You Need a Coach to Help You Accomplish Big (and Small) Goals
The belief that we can, or should be able to, do it alone, is often what keeps us stuck in growing a business and a life. Here are 5 reasons why you need a coach to help you accomplish your big — and small — goals.
The Only Legacy That Lasts
Leaving a lasting legacy has nothing to do with what you create, build, or invent, what you contribute to science, or how much you publish. Instead, it comes from a different form of contribution.
Why You Should Never Source Your Confidence in Your Achievements
It’s tempting to source confidence in our biggest wins and achievements. But achievement is a double-edged sword and this approach can come back to bite us.
What It Really Means to Be Seen in Your Light
To be seen in your light is not the same as being seen in your expertise or authority. Your light is not your accomplishments or achievements. It is something deeper than what you do.