Today is the Jewish holiday of Purim, one of the few holidays whose origin stories features a female protagonist: Queen Esther.
Esther, originally named Hadassah, conceals her Jewish identity upon becoming queen. In fact, the roots of the name “Esther” translate to “hidden” — giving us a clue to the central theme of the holiday.
Faced with a decree that threatened her people, Esther ultimately chooses visibility over safety, revealing her identity to the king to save the Jews.
This act of shedding her mask and embracing her true self, even at great personal risk, is the heart of the Purim story.
Modern-day Purim celebrations often feature elaborate costumes and masks, similar to Halloween. But for me, the true meaning of this holiday is best celebrated by removing our masks.
The Masks We Wear
Each of us has masks we wear in public: presenting ourselves the way we want to be seen — the way we believe we are most likely to be accepted. Over the course of a life, we can become so habituated to our masks that we might lose touch with who we really are underneath.
Over two decades ago, my journey with ADHD began in the midst of my legal career, yet it remained a narrative I rarely shared.
Back then, ADHD was predominantly viewed through the lens of hyperactive young boys, leaving many women unrecognized and undiagnosed until much later in life—if at all.
This divergence came bundled with a shadow of shame, particularly in a world where deviations from the norm, especially those perceived to affect one’s professional capabilities, were not openly discussed the way they are now.
The Art of Masking
Like many women, I became skilled in the art of masking: crafting coping mechanisms and strategies to appear neurotypical and blend in as “normal.”
It got me to a certain level of success — until it no longer worked.
Masking is exhausting, draining, and distancing.
Spending your life trying to be what you are not prevents you from embracing who you are. It creates distance from other people, social isolation, and loneliness.
Ultimately it leads to burnout.
The Power of Visibility
Finding solace in small, safe, communities, I began to share my story, discovering the power of visibility and connection. One conversation at a time, I learned that embracing my authentic self could resonate with and empower others facing similar struggles.
These experiences helped me realize that in my pursuit of “normalcy” I had been dimming my own light, negating the very essence that also served as my greatest strength.
ADHD, with all its complexities, is a source of unique perspectives and creativity. I realized I have a lifetime of experience that can help other women — but only if I’m willing to be visible in this aspect of myself.
Synchronicity: Lunar Eclipse in Libra
For me, Purim this year comes at an auspicious time: the day before a South Node lunar eclipse at 5º07’ of Libra.
I was born with Libra on the horizon — known as Libra rising. In my natal chart, my ascendant point is at 5º49’ of Libra, meaning that this eclipse will happen in a conjunction to this important point in my chart.
Astrologers say that the ascendant point and rising sign is like the mask we wear to the world.
The South Node is a point of release and shedding. In any year, this eclipse would be a potent time for me to review the shadows of my identity and release those masks that no longer serve me.
To add to that, this eclipse is happening as I complete my first house profection year. Profections are a timing technique that tells us what part of life to focus on. The first house is about who we are and what drives us in life.
This celestial alignment serves as a poignant reminder of the cycles of shedding and renewal we all experience.
Advocacy Through Visibility
As a Libra rising I tend to have a particular drive toward justice, advocacy, and creating harmony.
Like Esther, I’ve come to understand that this work starts with a willingness to embrace all parts of myself and shed the masks I wear.
The energy expended on compensating and strategizing ways to appear neurotypical deplete the energetic bandwidth needed to do the work we are here to do.
It’s not enough to champion a cause from the sidelines. If we want to make a difference in the world, we must shed the masks we wear.
We must dare to be seen in our entirety—embracing our struggles as much as our strengths, asking for help, and being willing to receive the support we need to do our best work.
It’s only through embracing our vulnerabilities that we find our voice, our resilience, and our capacity to make a meaningful impact.
The End of Masking
Exploring the masks we wear is potent work at any time, and especially at this lunar eclipse.
By exploring our shadow, shedding our masks, and sharing a piece of our true selves, we can foster deeper connections, cultivate mutual support, and find new strength in our vulnerabilities.
Together, let’s embrace the beauty of our authentic selves and encourage those around us to do the same.
Allow Yourself to Receive Support
If you’re a woman navigating the complexities of ADHD, know that you don’t have to walk this path alone. Together, we can uncover the unique strengths ADHD brings you and strategize how to share your incredible gifts with the world.
Shedding your masks is the first step towards unlocking your full potential.
Get in touch to schedule a discovery call with me today, and let’s embark on a transformative journey to not just embrace your true self, but to shine brightly in your personal and professional life.
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