It’s easy to get frustrated when you’re trying to get somewhere and obstacles keep popping up.
Here are 5 ways to navigate obstacles in your path:
(1) Push Through
Eventually, something has to give, right?
Maybe, but not always.
You can bang your head against the wall for a long time. But usually this only results in a headache. Eventually, you’re going to get tired of pushing against something that doesn’t move.
(2) Give up
Maybe you decide the destination isn’t for you. This is valid, if it’s true and aligned. Sometimes we strive to get somewhere only to realize the destination was something that someone else wanted for us, or that we were led to believe we should want for ourselves.
If you’re giving up because the destination is truly not aligned, then it helps to own that. But be honest.
(3) Find a Different Path
Sometimes we can be so focused on trying to do something in a certain way, or taking a certain path to get there that we don’t even think about other possibilities.
By releasing expectations for what something should look like, we can open to new possibilities that we hadn’t realized.
(4) Wait it Out
Limitations are temporary. All traffic eventually subsides. Consider that maybe the obstacle in your path is just a temporary situation. Pull over to the side of the road to rest and wait it out.
Eventually the path will clear.
(5) Lean Into the Obstacle
Take your cue from the title of the book by Ryan Holiday, “The Obstacle is the Way.”
If a particular limitation or obstacle keeps popping up in your path, lean into it. Get close to it and study it. Understand its nature.
Sometimes, in getting to know the obstacle on a deeper level we realize that it is showing us the path we are meant to follow.
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